Haunted Attractions in Arizona Hiring for the 2017 Halloween Season
Home » Blog » AZHauntedHouses.com News and Updates, Arizona Haunt News
July 26, 2017 By Chelsea T.

As we enjoy the Summer time, the Halloween Season is creeping up on us. Tons of Haunted Attractions all across Arizona are preparing for the Haunting Season, and have been for quite some time now.
To get things ready to scare Arizona locals this year, Haunted Attractions are in the hiring process and looking to find scare actors or other employees to help the haunt run smoothly all season long. Take a peek at the list below to find a local haunt to work at during the 2017 Halloween Season!
13th Floor Haunted House
2814 W. Bell Rd., Suite 1430, Phoenix, AZ
Crypt Haunted Attractions
1445 W. Southern Ave., Mesa, AZ
Fear Farm
2209 N. 99th Ave., Phoenix, AZ
Sanctum of Horror
6555 E. Southern Ave., Mesa, AZ
Terror in the Corn
17000 W. Ajo Way, Tucson, AZ
Auditions & Interviews: Saturday, August 19th | 9 AM
Is your Haunted Attraction hiring? Email Chelsea@HauntedHouseMedia.com to get your Haunt added to the list & be sure to check back as we'll be updating the list regularly!
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