Deer Valley High School - Real Glendale Haunt

- 18424 N 51st Avenue
- Glendale, AZ
- 602-467-6700
- Average Review
- (15 reviews)
- Listing Categories
- Real Haunted Colleges
- Open To Public
- Yes - Open To Public
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- Sahuaro Ranch Park5.5 miles away
- Pointe Hilton Tapatio Cliffs Resort7.3 miles away
- Pioneer Living History Museum11.6 miles away
- The Hermosa Inn13.3 miles away
- Westward Ho14.7 miles away
- Hotel San Carlos15.0 miles away
Recently Shared Experiences & Comments
Share Your ExperiencesSurvivor
One night I was in the auditorium when dewy grabbed my cheeks!!?? long story short my I’m a victim.?? #survivor ? #ghost_molestor ??
Posted 8/15/233 out of 4 found this review helpful
I was in the auditorium when Dewey grabbed my checks! ?? long story short I’m a victim. ?? #survivor ?
Posted 8/15/23Dewey
I am a freshmen at deer valley high school and on my first day at the school I saw a ghost in the adatorum and when I say it it was playing with the lights and it got very cold
Posted 2/23/223 out of 3 found this review helpful
Dewey/Dwex is real!!
Aight so I just learned about his Dwex/Dewey (I'm a freshman) I feel like I might have had an encounter with him, I was walking back from the guitar closet with my friends this Wednesday and we decided to peek into the auditorium, I was the only one who say but I saw a black out figure with curly hair, standing there, starting..... and the lights were only on the stage... ever since then I've searched up alot about this School and asked the teachers/custodians.
Posted 8/28/212 out of 2 found this review helpful
Dwex is real
My freshman year of high school I did drama club with my friends who were seniors at the time, they have all told me stories about Dwex but I didn’t believe them. I was working one night in the booth where the lights and sound are controlled for musicals, plays, and dance concerts. My friends had all went backstage while myself and another guy who was by the main staircase. I looked over on my right where we have a dark hallway leading to a prop room and the stairs to the Catwalk. I saw a black male figure walk up the stairs.
Posted 11/6/203 out of 3 found this review helpful
Dewey is real asf...
I was calling this kids name across the street from DV on night and felt some crazy feeling in my head and my heart dropped. I went him and kept messing with him saying “you’re fake” and saw a kid in all bright ass white and black hair run past the back of my car from the rear view.. since then I never mess w/ DEWEY.
Posted 4/13/204 out of 4 found this review helpful
dewy banned my fortnite account
he shOW Up And HE SAy Boo And I WAS LIkE ahhhhhh12!!!111!!! AND I DAED AND MY ACOOUNT BANNed
Posted 8/8/184 out of 13 found this review helpful
dewey’s small penis
dewey has a lil ghost dick
Posted 4/2/1813 out of 24 found this review helpful
Dwex Is Real
I saw dwex in the little area under the stage and he told me get out and now im done with messing with him
Posted 2/28/181 out of 1 found this review helpful
the lights flickered in patterns, it was me and my friend alone, we went around to the lights and they were still going on and off.
Posted 2/28/182 out of 2 found this review helpful
one time my friends and i were sitting in the booth of the auditorium (where the lights and sound is controlled) and we were talking while the door to enter was closed and then out of nowhere there was this extremely loud bang on the door. one of our friends opened the door and there was no one there or anything
Posted 12/29/173 out of 3 found this review helpful
There have also been voices heard in the dark while in the auditorium. His voice is very low and clear. He says students names and also “get out”.
Posted 10/17/174 out of 4 found this review helpful
Auditorium ghost
I do the plays and musicals at Deer Valley. I am a sophomore but have still had many experiences such as Dwex turning off and on lights or making them flicker, costumes disappearing, and coldness and feeling not alone. Also a ouji board talked to him in the makeup room and he is known to plan on hurting students who are in the shows here. He is definitely not to be messed with. I may add more experiences.
Posted 10/17/173 out of 3 found this review helpful
i went to deer valley freshman year. i was in the auditorium for choir practice and the place i was standing in got really cold and i could feel someone breathing in my ear and i turned around and there he was. it was kinda creepy but dwex is pretty harmless
Posted 5/15/173 out of 3 found this review helpful
The DVHS auditorium ghost's name is Dwex, not Dewey.
Posted 2/12/176 out of 8 found this review helpful
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Last edit to this listing: 8/15/2015 (3474 days ago)